Legal statements

This website is edited and managed by the company VIRHYDRO SAS

64 rue de la Ville-és-Cours
BP 31 - ZAC des Mottais
35400 Saint-Malo

Director of publication: Philippe BLANCARD

Website hosting

The website hosting is done by the company  OVH.
OVH 140, quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix, FRANCE.

The technical maintenance of this website is managed by Agence Milega.

Personal data

No information collected on this site will be given or communicated to any third parties.
As per the French law on « Informatiques et Libertés » n°78-17 of the 6 janvier 1978, users have a right of accessing, modifying or refusing to provide personal data. All written demands can be addressed to:

64 rue de la Ville-és-Cours
BP 31 - ZAC des Mottais
35400 Saint-Malo


When visiting our website, users are informed that a cookie can be automatically installed and saved temporarily on their hard disk. A cookie is an element which doesn't identify the user but records the navigation data of the user whilst browsing the website.

Users are aware of this website practice and allow its use by the Agence Milega. The cookie can be disabled by modifying the user's web browser settings.


Our clients

Our customers are professional fishermen in the inshore fishing industry. VIRHYDRO understands the needs and constraints of these fishermen and our range of fishing equipments has been designed with their boat in mind.

Our products are installed on boats in France, French West Indies (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, etc.) and world wide: Australia, New Zeland, Malaysia, Hawaï, USA ...

Our commercial brands


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Web agency Saint-Malo